Saturday, August 31, 2019

Republic of the Philippines Essay

Chapter 1 THE PROBLEM Introduction Poverty has been a major problem in the Philippines.Unfortunately, the number of Filipinos suffering from the aforementioned social problem is increasing every year.Some have more than enough to eat, are well clothed and healthy, and have a reasonable degree of food security but others may have inadequate food and shelter. Their health is often poor, they may be unemployed and their prospects for a better life are uncertain at best.As one of the developing countries, the Philippines is still suffering from several sociological and economic problems. Incidence of poverty seems unstoppable. Many Filipinos are suffering from extreme poverty and hunger and the worse thing is these vulnerable populations are rapidly increasing in number. (Monterola, 2013) In terms of Education, the government is also facing a very terrible problem. There are many poor families cannot provide for the education of their children. Some families can only afford to eat one meal a day and they can’t even send their children to school. Sometimes the parents encourage their children to work and earn for their living, so that they can have something to eat. But we cannot blame them, because sometimes it is better to have something for supper, than to have something to feed your mind. (Mochique, 2012) Low-income parents are often overwhelmed by diminished self-esteem, depression, and a sense of powerlessness and inability to cope—feelings that may get passed along to their children in the form of insufficient nurturing, negativity, and a general failure to focus on children’s needs. (Jensen,2009) In a study of emotional problems of children of single mothers, (Eamon and Zuehl,2001) found that the stress of poverty increases depression rates among mothers, which results in an increased use of physical punishment. Children themselves are also susceptible to depression: research shows that poverty is a major predictor  of teenage depression Children raised in poverty rarely choose to behave differently, but they are faced daily with overwhelming challenges that affluent children never have to confront, and their brains have adapted to suboptimal conditions in ways that undermine good school performance.(Denny et al., 2004). There are many factors that can affect academic performance. The physical condition of the student has a great deal to do with that person’s ability to do a good job on anything and to understand anything. For example, if the student has poor eyesight, he/she might not be able to read well. If the student has hearing impairment, he/she might not be able to listen and understand instruction. If student has disease, it might impair his/her ability to do the required work. A student’s Socio Economic Status (SES) can affect his/her ability to perform well academi cally. Read more:  Political Issues in the Philippines Student with less money might not be able to purchase school supplies (rulers, paper, pens, computer, books, etc.) that could help them with their work. They might not also visit their doctors and dentist very often and might suffer from undiagnosed illness or dental problems that cause pain or otherwise impair the student’s ability to perform well. To prevent this, the government thinks of some ways to give every Filipino youth the education they deserve, because every youth deserves to have a decent education for them to be the next leaders not only of their generation but of the country as well. We should also take care of their welfare. The proclamation of SB No. 3412 PANTAWID PAMILYANG PILIPINO PROGRAM (Four P’s) has been a big help to the youth, as the primary beneficiaries. The program aims to help not only the youth of Metro Manila but also the youth of the whole country. Our government is one of the institutions that guide or motivate us to succeed. They want to prioritize our rights, especially for the children. They want us to achieve the primary education that’s why, public schools were built. But there’s still a high absentee rate of the students because the income of their parents can only provide them food. This program aims to eradicate poverty and hunger, achieve universal primary education, promote gender equality, reduce child morality and improve maternal health through the financial assistance given to the recipients or poor families. It is very helpful in our community because many poor families are in need of better health asnd better education. (Mochique,2012) Statement of the Problem This study aims to determine the Effects of Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (Four P’s) to the Academic Performance of Beneficiaries in Antongalon Butuan City. Specifically, it will seek to answer the following questions: 1. What is the Profile of the Beneficiaries in terms of : 1.1 Age; 1.2 Sex; 1.3 Family Size; and 1.4 Parents Monthly Income? 2. What is the Health condition of Beneficiaries in terms of : 2.1 Health practices; 2.2 Nutritional practices; and 2.3 Socio Economic Status? 3. What is the extent of the implementation of four P’s? 4. What is the level of Academic performance of the Beneficiaries in Antongalon Elementary School? 5. Is there a Significant Effect of the Four P’s Program to the Academic Performance of the pupils in relation to the Health and Condition of Beneficiaries? 6. Is there significant relationship between the profile of beneficiaries with the academic performance of the pupils? 7. Is there significant difference before and after they become a four P’s member? Hypothesis On the basis of the problem of the study, the hypothesis below will be formulated and tested at 0.05 level of significance. Ho1: The Four P’s Program has no significant effect to the Academic Performance in relation to the Health and Condition of Beneficiaries Theoretical Framework This study will be anchored on the theory that Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (Four P’s) influences the academic performance of the Beneficiaries. The Constitution, Article 2, Section 9 provides that: The State shall promote a just and dynamic social order that will ensure the prosperity and independence of the nation and free the people from poverty  through policies that provide adequate social services, promote full employment, a rising standard of living, and an improved quality of life for all. According to 2006 Annual Poverty Statistics of the National Statistical Coordination Board, 27.9 Million Filipinos or one-third (l/3) of the entire population are poor. To address this problem the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) together implemented a Conditional Cash Transfer Program known as Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) inspired by the successes of similar programs in Latin American countries such as Bolsa Familia in Brazil, Familias en Accion in Colombia and Oportunidades in Mexico. In Esperanza and Sibagat, Agusan del Sur for example, two of the pilot areas of the 4Ps elementary school enrollment has increased by fifteen percent (15%). Children covered by 4Ps have higher attendance compared to the general population of children in school. There has also been a significant increase in the vaccination rate as well as a decrease in prevalence of malnutrition among children. Given the far reaching effects of this program in empowering the poor to cross over from their lives of poverty to a better future, there is a need to ensure the sustainability of this Program from one administration to another. South Learning on Conditional Cash Transfers workshop held at ADB Headquarters, 16-19 April 2013 that was organized in cooperation with Inter-American Development Bank. The workshop aimed to enhance understanding of policy makers from developing countries in Asia and the Pacific about lessons learned from the use of CCT programs in Latin America and Caribbean. The field visit to Santa Maria and Pandi in Bulacan province (around 40km northeast of Manila) to learn about the program first hand and interact with the beneficiari es and program administrators was enriching. The beneficiaries shared their personal stories on how blessed they felt to be a part of Pantawid Pamilya. Many parents previously were overburdened with worry on raising a family and not earning enough money to support their children. What little parents earned from odd jobs was only sufficient for daily expenses—their children frequently fell ill due to insufficient food and vitamins causing them to miss school. But this all changed for the better under Pantawid Pamilya. (Health Team, 2013) In our study, we will know, if these theories are really true. We will going to identify if the Four P’s implemented by the government is really effective for the improvement of the beneficiaries in Antongalon Elementary School in  terms of, performance, and other educational development of the child. Schematic Diagram Independent Variables Dependent Variables Figure 1.Shows the Schematic Diagram of the Study Significance of the Study : The study aims to determine the effects of Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (Four P’s) to the academic performance of beneficiaries. The result of the study will be beneficial to the following: Students. It will give information regarding their academic performance in school. They will be encourage and try their best to maintain their good performance in school as a beneficiaries. Parents. They will be inform if the said program is really helpful in the improvement of the school performance of their child. Government. They will be aware if the said program that they implemented is really effective in terms of education of the beneficiaries or not. And if they will find out that it will not improve the educational development of beneficiaries, they will think another strategies that will improve this program. School Administrators. It will provide data regarding to the academic performance of the beneficiaries. Scope and Delimitations of the Study The Study will be conducted in Antongalon Elementary School. It involves all the beneficiary of Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program( Four P’s) as a respondent. The main purpose of this study is to identify the Effect of Four P’s Program to the Academic Performance, and its Significant Effect in relation to the Health Condition of the beneficiaries. This is to give us information if the said program is really effective or there are positive or negative changes to the academic performance of the beneficiaries. Definition of Terms : To understand better the terms to be used in the study, the following terms will defined operationally. Academic Performance. This term refers to describe things that relate to the work done in schools. Family Size. This term refers to describe the number of household members. Health and Condition. This term refers to describe healthy lifestyle of the beneficiaries wether they live in a Healthy environment or not. Nutritional Status. This term refers to describe the state of the Four P’s beneficiaries health in terms of the nutrients in his or her diet. Parent’s Monthly Income. This term refers to describe the average earning of an individual in a month. Socio Economic Status. This term refers to describe the indicator that the beneficiaries are or is not economically disadvantaged based on his or her parents or family income Chapter 2 REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE This chapter presents the review of related literature and studies which serve as orientation of the writer to the different concepts, theories, methods, and treatments of the areas explored in the study. Related Literature Poverty remains a big challenge for the Philippines. Income poverty in the Philippines has generally declined since the early 1990s. From 33.1 percent of the population being poor in1991, the share of poor Filipinos was brought down to 24.9 percent in 2003. In recent years, however, there was a reversal in this trend. Latest official poverty estimates show that poverty has increased since 2003. In 2009, the share of the poor population, or those who are unable to meet their basic food and non-food needs, was estimated at 26.5 percent (NSCB, 2011). In addition to income poverty, human development outcomes especially in education and health care lagging. Primary education is still far from universal while maternal mortality and child malnutrition are among the highest in East Asia and Pacific region (NEDA, 2010). This happened despite the historically high record of economic growth in 2000 until 2010, which have raged 4.7 percent annually versus 2.4 percent of the two decades before. T his suggests that, on aggregate, the poor have not  benefited from growth. ( Velarde & Frnandez, 2011) The limited capability of Filipinos to manage shocks slows the pace of reducing poverty. The failure of poverty to decline in 2009 was attributed mainly to the impacts of various crises that affected many Filipinos in 2008 and 2009, which include the food and fuel crises, the global financial crisis, and the disaster brought about by typhoons Ondoy and Pepeng in late 2009.The 2009 national household survey revealed that about 9.4 percent of the population, or about 8 million Filipinos, are living just above the poverty line and are at risk of falling into poverty when income shocks like these arise.2 The poor faces greater risks as they have limited means to cope. Surveys show that the poor were indeed disproportionately affected by recent shocks.3 In particular, it was found that the El Nià ±o in early 2010affected 58 percent of the poorest households, half of whom depend on agriculture as their family’s main source of income. The 2008 food crisis was also estimated to have increased the income shortfall of the poor from the poverty line by 1.3 percentage points, mainly because the poor are net consumers of rice (World Bank, 2008). Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4 P’s) is the Philippine conditional cash transfer program that aims to improve quality of life of the less fortunate family/families and end the cycle of poverty by investing a human capital. It is a program that leads by the DSWD Agency (Department of Social Welfare and Development) together with the DepED (Department of Education) and also DOH (Department of Health). This is a partnership between the two government agencies that aims to concoct jobs for people who are the beneficiaries of Aquino’s Administration (Vecina 2013). The Pantawid Pamilya was launched in February 2008 with the first 330,000household beneficiaries (Set 1) and then scaled up in 2009 to cover another 320,000 households (Set 2). By April2011,theprogram has grown to about 1.9 million household beneficiaries and is slated for further expansion by the end of 2011 and 2012. To become eligible for the Pantawid Pamilya, a household needs to satisfy a uniform set of criteria, which include (i) residing in program areas of the Pantawid Pamilya, (ii) being identified as poor based on a proxy means test (PMT), and (iii) having a pregnant woman or having at least one child below 15 years old at the timeof enrolment into the program ( Velarde & Fernandez, 2011). Since 2007, the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) of the Philippines is the conditional cash  transfer program implemented by the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD), along with cooperative partner institutions such as the Department of Education, Department of Health, Department of the Interior and Local Government, and various other government institutions. The 4Ps was patterned after the conditional cash transfer programs in Latin Am erican and African countries which have been proven successful as a poverty reduction and social development measure (DSWD, 2011). The Four P’s program serves as the government’s answers to the pressing issues regarding poverty. Calvo (2011) defines the CCT as programs that provide cash benefits to finance the basic needs and foster investment in human capital to extremely poor households. These benefits are conditioned on certain behaviors, usually related to investments in nutrition, health, and education. The emergence of CCT (4 P’s) programs occurred during the late 1990s, with Mexico’s innovative Progress program emerging as one of the earliest schemes in 1997. The evidences highlighting the effectiveness of Progress motivated a rise in similar programs across Latin America. Throughout the late 1990s and into the early part of the new century, CCT programs were implemented in Honduras, Brazil and Nicaragua. CCT (Conditional Cash Transfer or 4 P’s) programs are presently being implemented in several Latin American countries including Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Jamaica, Mexico , and several more. Indonesia and Pakistan are only some of the Asian countries which employ the CCT programs as a major tool of their social policy. In general, these programs provide money and financial assistance to poor families under the condition that those transfers are used as an investment on their children’s’ human capital, such as regular school attendance and basic preventive health care. The main mission of most CCT programs is to prevent inter-generational transference of poverty, that is to say, investing in young children and providing them with the provisions necessary for better opportunities in the future. Being a conditional cash transfer program, beneficiaries receive grants when they comply with program conditions. The Pantawid Pamilya provides two types of grants – a health grant of Php500 ($125) per household per month for 12 months and an education grant of Php300 ($7) per 6-14 year old child attending school (for a maximum of 3 children in this age range)fo r 10 months of the school year.6 Health conditions apply to pregnant mothers and  children aged 0-5, while education conditions apply to children aged 6-14. A beneficiary household can receive a maximum health grant of Php6,000 ($143) and a maximum education grant of Php3,000 ($72) per child if it complies with the health and education conditional ties of the program100 percent throughout the year. Actual grants received by beneficiaries depend on their compliance to health and education conditions, which is regularly monitored through the Pantawid Pamilya’s Compliance Verification System (CVS). Based on the latest CVS reports, children’s attendance to school and visits to health centers have been improving in 2010. In the last quarter of 2010, close to 80percent of children registered to receive the Pantawid Pamilya education grant complied with the program conditions, that is, they were present in school at least 85 percent of the time during that period. Compliance of children registered to receive the health grant improved as well especially among Set 2 beneficiaries, although at a slower pace than education. The increase in compliance rates especially in early 2010 also reflects efforts made in updating beneficiary information. This ensured that schools and health centers where children go are correctly recorded in the system so that compliance is monitored properly and grants are paid accordingly ( Velarde & Frnandez, 2011). DSWD claims that the initial implementation of 4Ps has had remarkable results such as the prevention of stunting or where the height of a child is less than ideal for one’s age due to poor nutrition. Another is that more women gave birth in hospitals and thus lessening the risks of maternal mortality and health complications for the new-born. DSWD’s assessment, however, remains preliminary. (Somera, 2010) The underlying concept of the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4 P’s)s, is: once individuals are healthy, better fed, and educated, they will be able to overcome poverty in the long run (Valencia, 2009). Related Studies A study of (,) stated that The 4Ps intend to provide the basis for this much needed equality by providing the poor people with the education that they could not access otherwise. Malnutrition, which is prevalent among extremely poor families, is also expected to decrease. Since it is a prime requirement for beneficiaries to avail of the health services being offered in their health  centers such as pre- and post-natal services, vaccination, and periodical check-ups before acquiring their money grants, the health and nutrition of the poor families are safeguarded. Philippines Conditional Cash Transfer Program Impact Evaluation 2012 by (Chaudhury ,Friedman & Junko Onishi) found that Pantawid Pamilya is meeting the objective of keeping children healthy, as evidenced by a reduction in severe stunting17 among poor children 6-36 months of age, which is expected to have long-term benefits. Notably, impact evaluations of CCT programs around the world have not proven to reduce stunting at such early stages of program implementation, but Pantawid Pamilya appears to be an exception. The (First wave of the Impact Evaluation Survey, conducted in 2011) found out that enrolment in preschool and daycare was 70.3 percent among children three to five years old in Pantawid Pamilya barangays. This was 10.3 percentage points higher compared to children in non-Pantawid Pamilya barangays which only resulted to 65.0 percent enrolment. This pattern was also seen in the elementary school level wherein enrolment was higher by 4.5 percentage points among children six to 11 years old in Pantawid Pamilya Barangays than the non-program group baseline rate of 93 percent. These results were also consistent with higher school enrolment. (Carbayas, 2012) also stated that, the DSWD stressed that the 4Ps is a stimulus package for the poor intended as social investment rather than plain cash assistance, i.e. dole-out. Cash assistance is given to qualified families provided that the family complies primarily with the conditions set for health and education. Therefore, the 4Ps is not seen as the sole solution to poverty reduction, but the program should be seen on its ability to bring back poor children to get better education and a healthy life to gain dignity and prepare them for their future. (Mella,Osido & Suing) conclude that the 4Ps is a good example of strengthening the government’s capability of distributing the country’s resources to those who are extremely in need. It is undeniable that there are many poor households that will benefit from the said program, and that the program covers the basic needs. Likewise, the government’s effort in making the country’s educational and health services system inclusive is a huge step towards social mobility and equality. This studies and theories will help us to provide an idea  about our study. It will give us more information on how Four P’s affect the development of beneficiaries in terms of education. It will serve as our guide and basis of our study. Chapter 3 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY This chapter includes the research methodology, the research locale & the population of the respondents of the study, the research instruments, data gathering, scoring and quantification of data and statistical treatment. Research Design The descriptive research method through the questionnaire as the data gathering instrument will be utilized in order to seek answers to the problems being imposed in the study. It is descriptive, because it will seek to determine the effect of Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino (Four P’s) program to the academic performance of beneficiaries in Antongalon Elementary School, Antongalon Butuan City . Research Locale The study will be conducted at Antongalon Elementary School during the School Year 2014-2015. This school is located in the small barangay of Antongalon, Butuan City. This school is 1.5 kilometers from the barangay of Ampayon, and can be reached through a jeepney ride from Butuan City. The Population and Respondents of the Study The population of the study is composed of the selected pupils who are four P’s beneficiaries in all grade levels of Antongalon Elementary School. There are 73 beneficiaries overall. Since there are only few pupils, a universal sampling was used in the study. Sampling Design This study will use the purposive sampling design in which the researchers selected the respondents who will still engage and current participants to the program. Research Instruments A survey questionnaire will be used to gather the data on the profile in terms of age, sex, family size, and parent’s monthly income of the beneficiaries. This questionnaire has two types, the first type is the respondents profile and the second type is for their perception when they become a Four P’s beneficiary. The child questionnaire will be classified according to its trend of indication The researchers will sent a letter to the principal of Antongalon Elementary School requesting permission for the conduct of the study. Once the permission will be granted, the administration of the questionnaire will then be set. On the day set data gathering act, the researchers will personally gave an orientation to the pupils about the nature and purpose of the study. Then the questionnaire will be given and retrieved after the alloted time. The data obtained will be tallied, analyzed and interpreted. Scoring and Quantification of the Data For the purpose of interpretation, the data will be quantified using the following scales: Table 2. Scaling of the Students’ Profile Students’ Profile Statistical treatment This study will be use the frequency, percentage, weighted mean, correlation, and t-test statistical tools in analyzing the data gathered from the respondents. The frequency that will be used to determine the profile of Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (Four P’s) beneficiaries in terms of age, sex, family size, and parent’s monthly income. The spearman correlation will be used to determine the relationship between the Four P’s program and the Health and condition of beneficiaries with the formula : h( Where : r – is the correlation value x- is the independent variable y- is the dependent variable n- is the number of respondents 1 and 6 – are constant The t- test will be also utilized to determine the acceptance and rejection of hypothesis with formula shown below: Where : t – is the test relationship y- is the correlation 1- constant Observations of the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program in the field (Chin,2013) Overall, Pantawid Pamiliya is on track to achieve its objectives of promoting investments in the health and education of children while providing immediate financial support to poor families as highlighted in a recent impact evaluation by Chaudhury et al. (2013) funded by AusAID in coordination with DSWD, World Bank, and ADB. – See more at: Retrieved May 06, 2013 Conditional Cash Transfer Program  in the Philippines: Is It Reaching the Extremely Poor?(Reyes&Tabuga) 4Ps is expected to increase utilization of health services among the poor as the  additional cash they receive will help cover costs; and improve nutritional status ofchildren through increased household income and various counselling and monitoringcomponents of the 4Ps. Overview of the Philippines’ Conditional Cash Transfer Program: The Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program(PantawidPamilya)(Fernandez&Olfindo,2011) Pantawid0Pamiliya.pdf For the education grant,the conditionalities help improve the enrollment and schoolattendance rates of children. Children who attend pre-school orday care centers, primary school, or secondary school are requiredto maintain class attendance rates of at least 85 percent per month. Overview of the Philippines’ Conditional Cash Transfer Program: The Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (PantawidPamilya)(Fernandez&Olfindo,2011) 694220BRI0P1180of0Pantawid0Pamiliya.pdf Nearly three years since its launch, the Pantawid Pamilya hasalready shown positive impacts on beneficiary households. Thecash grants increase the household incomes of the poor, while theconditionalities have helped improve the education and healthof their children. Anecdotal evidence shows that net education enrollment rates of children in beneficiary households have risen, andthe number of children who undertake de-worming at schools andavail of vaccines from health centers has also increased. RETRIEVED (May 2011) Education for the Poorest Children through Pantawid Pamilya (Formoso,2011) 1,538,592 children beneficiaries of Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program in different parts of the country are expected to commence the School Year 2010-2011 successfully and level up to the next

Friday, August 30, 2019

Irony in the Scarlet Letter

What if irony didn’t exist? If it didn’t, even at a minimal level, The Scarlet Letter wouldn’t be able to function in its complete and published form. Its frame and substructure of distinctly morose themes scrutinizing sin, knowledge, and the human condition would not exist without irony blistering beneath the surface. The symbolism and evocativeness of character names, for instance, the words â€Å"chill† and â€Å"worthless† can be derived from Roger Chillingworth, the â€Å"Black Man† in human disguise wouldn’t have the same clever power without the literary technique. Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter suggests that to find the true expression of each character, irony is essential, and must be employed and needled into the plot for the pages to turn with a weightier significance. â€Å"She's the embodiment of deep contradictions: bad and beautiful, holy and sinful, conventional and radical,† described Andrea Seabrook of NPR (National Public Radio). In order to see the veracity of this statement, the reader must note Hawthorne’s use in three major types of irony. The first type is situational irony, which is when the opposite of what is expected to happen, happens, and this is introduced in the first few chapters. For example, in Chapter II, the townspeople have perpetrated against Hester Prynne, exclaiming that she should feel ashamed as she stands on the scaffold bearing the scarlet letter â€Å"A† on her bosom. Yet, she stands there with â€Å"a marked dignity and force of character† and clasping her newborn child Pearl â€Å"with a burning blush, and yet a haughty smile, and glance that would not be abashed†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Hawthorne 46) The intrinsic nature and indispensable quality of Hester’s character is perpetually fevered with strength, but it is most formidable and determined harbored by a backbone of obstinacy when she is standing on the scaffold. The townspeople have expected her to feel contrite, but if Hester stood revealing her remorse and penitence, she would be acknowledging society’s power and control over her, and that essentially, is not what Hester wants. Another example is from Chapter XI, Dimmesdale is held in reverence by the townspeople as an immaculate role model â€Å"[deeming] the young clergyman a miracle of holiness† (124) when in fact; he has committed an immoral act, being Hester’s paramour and Pearl’s secret father. Situational irony has served to be a steppingstone to the actual identity of Hester Prynne, Dimmesdale, and other major characters. It helps in showing the real thoughts and internal conflicts of a character in contrast with what is discerned by the society. The next type of irony Hawthorne used in The Scarlet Letter is dramatic irony, which is when the reader knows what the characters do not. According to Mark Flanagan of About. com, â€Å"Dramatic irony is when the words and actions of the characters of a work of literature have a different meaning for the reader than they do for the characters. This is the result of the reader having a greater knowledge than the characters themselves. For instance, in Chapter VIII, Reverend John Wilson, Boston’s senior clergyman, sat on an arm-chair and surveyed Pearl’s weirdly ethereal qualities, then proceeded to ask Pearl if she knew who her parents were, as stated in this quote, â€Å"â€Å"Pearl,† said he, with great solemnity, â€Å"thou must take heed to instruction, that so, in due season, thou mayest wear in thy bosom the pearl of great price. Canst thou tell me, my child, who made thee? † (96) This event developed subsequent to Hester’s visit in Governor Bellingham’s garden. There, she privately requested Reverend Dimmesdale’s aid in supporting that the governor does not take Pearl away. This is an example of dramatic irony because the reader knows that Dimmesdale and Hester are partners in sin, but the characters do not. Dramatic irony benefits the reader in that it satisfies their anticipation because of what they already know and they possess a greater idea of what is to happen next. Hawthorne’s use of this type of irony really generated a thrust of motivation to keep the reader more interested. The concluding stamp of irony Hawthorne enchanted into the novel is verbal irony. This literary device is manipulated to communicate differently, and principally the irreconcilable contrast of the literal meaning of the words, to emphasize, or make light of a circumstance or subject. A time that this occurs is from Chapter IV, when Chillingworth visited Hester at her prison cell, disguised as a doctor, and advised her to, â€Å"Think not that I shall interfere with Heaven’s own method of retribution. † (66) Here, Chillingworth insinuated that he would grant the right to God and Heaven to handle all retribution, yet he still sets out to njure and damage Dimmesdale himself. This is an example of verbal irony in that Chillingworth lied that he won’t accomplish any harm or take vengeance on the adulterer, but in due course, it is shown that Chillingworth is steadily destroying Dimmesdale as both he and especially Dimmesdale is growing weaker and more dismal. Verbal irony might be the more common of this literary technique, as it is used in todayâ €™s daily language. In the novel, is it used to give more support to the reader’s thoughts on what is already happening, and it helps to formulate finer insightful ideas. The novel is brimmed with well-constructed ideas of sin, hypocrisy, and love’s sweet disposition to sacrifice for another’s wellness, but behind the curtains of collectivism and Puritan’s unsmiling society is a personality that stands brighter than portrayed, and Hawthorne’s use of irony has carried that eager light out. His wonderful use of irony in the novel formulated a stronger, more meaningful substance to the story, clearly revealing each character’s internal and external conflicts. Nathaniel Hawthorne is the master of irony, splendidly using it to intensify the meaning of his marvelous literature. His substantial use of irony in The Scarlet Letter has become such a necessity that the pages could not turn seamlessly as it does without a real genius such as the virtuosic author. After learning the three types of irony Hawthorne utilized, the reader will be able to absorb the hearts and minds of the characters, the greater essence, and soul of the story, and will read on with increased and newer fervent thoughts and keener insight.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Catcher In The Rye Essay Thesis

Catcher In The Rye Essay Thesis he book A Farewell to Arms, written by Ernest Hemingway, is a classic about the love story of a nurse and a war ridden soldier. The story starts as Frederick Henry is serving in the Italian Army. He meets his future love in the hospital that he gets put in for various reasons. I thought that A Farewell to Arms was a good book because of the symbolism, the exciting plot, and the constant moving of the main character. The symbolism in A Farewell to Arms is very much apparent. Ernest Hemingway has always been one who is big on the symbolism of night as being bad. To the main character in Hemingways novels, nights have always been a sign of death, or something negative to happen. Another one of the symbolisms in A Farewell to Arms is when Henry tries to escape from the Italian army by jumping off one of the ships the army was traveling on and running away from the army. This symbolism was the water that he jumped into was a symbolism of the new, clean life that he was going to live from now on. At this time, Henry goes off and finds his wife to be. The plot in A Farewell to Arms was always active. They were never staying in one place too long. It had a very good story line, which was a love story that ended up in a tragedy. The main characters wife got pregnant and she was off to have her baby when problems started occurring. They had to have a caesarean, and the baby dies, and when the mother of the child starts to hemorrhage Henry knows that it was over for his wife and he was right. From the beginning of the book until the end, the action was up. Ever since the front page Henry was traveling around to different towns so it was not boring for the reader. That made it very interesting for the reader because it was always a new town coming up so they were being introduced in the new characters quite often. As the story goes on, the reader is not introducing as many new people, but they are still traveling around quite a bit. Hemingway has a way with arranging the plots of all his stories. They all have that right timing to them. He always introduces only people that will affect the story, he does not introduce someone who will be in the scene for five minutes and then leave. I felt that the authors planning on putting this noveltogether was very good. Ernest Hemingway has always been one of the worlds best known classic writers. His style and technique of symbolism is much different than others. He uses then in very strong ways that you the reader does not always pick up. I am sure that I missed some of the symbolism that went on in the book. I picked up a few though and they were very interesting. I recommend this to anyone who is interested in a love story that does not get too intimate

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Writing assingment Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Writing assingment - Assignment Example Richard went to a great extend just to impress her (cleanliness). Within his school, no one seemed to understand him. Some thought he was just a fool who did not know anything. However, he was a normal kid faced with many challenges. For instance, poor housing, hunger, among many more. A few days before the Negro payday, students were supposed to pledge on behalf of their parents. Because of his love for Helene, Dick had a plan of topping up to her pledge. Unfortunately, his name was not read, and when he rose up to inquire, the teacher put him to shame. He was told that the contribution was not meant for him and those of his kind. Further, she said he did not have a father (Lunsford, 2013). Each person need to be treated equally regardless of race and background. In the short story, Gregory has been subjected to some racial discrimination. He was differentiated in a particular manner that made it seem like all minorities had to undergo. His teacher specifically did this during his early years of schooling. It is because he was from the poverty-stricken class. Consequently, this demoralized him; to the extent that he did not attend his classes as he used to. Moreover, it went ahead to affect his social life. This is because the teacher’s comments had a negative impact towards his self-esteem. As a result, he became sensitive to the slightest matter regarding him. This could evidently be seen in his change of attitude towards relief clothes and food. It was unfair for Gregory to be treated differently, yet he was a normal human being. If only the teacher could mind the aftermath of his sentiments, Gregory could be a better person today (Lunsford, 2013). Initially, the responsibility of cleaning the blackboard had been left for Gregory alone. To him this was an impression that he was important to the teacher. Foregoing the act of cleaning on a Friday usually made him feel incomplete the following school day. Cleaning the blackboard was less important

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Future strategy for next three years (Starbucks) Essay

Future strategy for next three years (Starbucks) - Essay Example The government policies on trade are consistent and there is no government change expected in the coming years. This means that a strategy can be devised confidently to expand the business, keeping in view the government policies. Taxes may be reduced after the troops pull out of Afghanistan. This would increase the margin of profit for Starbucks. Though the world is facing economic recession, the company is still doing well as it deals in products which are of daily use and cannot be skipped by most people (Faulkner 1995).  . The factor which needs to be taking into consideration is that other brands have emerged and are emerging which can pose tough competition to Starbucks. Another factor which may contribute to lesser profits is that the public is becoming more aware of health issues like obesity and their cautious attitudes can make them stop using products high in fats such as pastries etc. This will have a negative effect on the business. Some of the factors discussed above provide opportunities for the company like reduction of taxes and availability of technology, while others pose threats like competition and health consciousness by the consumers. Keeping in mind these factors, the strategy would be formulated which would make use of the opportunities to overcome the threats posed to the company and make the company grow bigger. The business strategy would include steps like improving productivity, altering the price to defeat competition, and innovation in sitting environment to attract customers. The corporate objectives would be to make the company an outstanding International retailer. Furthermore, the team should be built and well trained to create more value (Warner 2010).  . 2.0 SWOT Analysis STRENGTHS It is a leader in... Starbucks is leading the world in its Italian style drinks and provides high quality standard drinks and coffee. In addition, it’s also providing accessories and confections throughout its retail stores. It is a recognized brand providing best services and best tastes with broad distribution throughout the globe. Although weaknesses and threats are there but are mild enough and can be ignored and opportunities and strengths are far ahead which would significantly boast the sales of the company in a positive way. Starbucks is a well recognized company which has more opportunities than threats. In the near future it is expected by the Starbucks Company to be flourishing in a big market, as its policies are clear and tight. It wouldn’t compromise on its quality, services and care for employees and workers but most probably would cut down its profits if the situation arises, which are the standard policies of a successful sustainable company.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Summarize Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 4

Summarize - Essay Example Identifying the clues from the kitchen full of mess, the women study the bleakness of the emotional life of Mrs. Wright. They talk of her husband’s dreary nature and her childlessness. In their civil conversation, the women indirectly reveal the psychological profile of Mrs. Wright as a desperate housewife. They find a fancy little box while gathering the quilting material. Inside, they find a dead canary with a wrung neck wrapped in silk, thus reaching the conclusion that the bird was strangled to death by Mr. Wright out of his hatred for its beautiful song. The women hide their discovery from the men and choose not to reveal the little trifle found by them to the men. As the characters exit Mrs. Wright’s kitchen, the women declare that they have learned the quilt making style of Mrs. Wright, saying that she knots the quit rather than quilting it. They do this to denote the way Mrs. Wright has killed her husband. Set after an apocalyptic disaster, Endgame is a story about Hamm, his servant Clove and his parents Nell and Nagg. Everybody is trapped in Hamm’s home. Awakening over his wheelchair, Hamm whistles for Clov. They discuss the possibility of the ending of things. Hamm does not have anybody else whereas Clov does not have anywhere else to live. Addressing his inquiry, Clov tells Hamm that he cannot kill him. Hamm’s parents emerge from trash bins. Nagg tries to cheer Nell up but in vain. They retreat to their trash bins. Clov pushes Hamm’s wheelchair to the exact center of the room. Clov tells Hamm that he sees nothing outside the window and that he is sick of the routinely farce. Clov finds he has a flea and kills it. Clov fetches a stuffed dog to Hamm. Clov accuses Hamm of refusing help to Mother Pegg which Hamm denies. Clove cannot refuse any order of Hamm, to his own surprise. Clov mentions that he would set an alarm clock upon leaving to indicate his departure t o Hamm. Hamm narrates the story of obtaining Clov from his father. Nagg

Counseling Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Counseling - Assignment Example I would start by asking the freshman the reasons as to why he chose the career. This can be due to personal interest on that area, persuasion/ influence from either parents or colleagues, being cheap in terms of cost, taking a short duration of time. It can even be that the freshman chose the career not basing it on any factors. My area of interest would be to ascertain the suitability of the career from the 'marketability' point of view. He should be able to choose a career that would enable him secure a job as soon as he finishes college. I would then encourage him to change his career if I realize that the one he has chosen may not adequately serve his needs as soon as he finishes college. I will stipulate to the freshman the need for living harmoniously with colleagues in college. Living peacefully with colleagues would enable him to always have a peaceful mind and be able to concentrate in his studies. Conflicts characterized with chaos, fights would not only adverse his performance in academics, but can make him either be suspended or expelled from college. The entire life of the freshman would be greatly influenced by the kind of people/ friends he would be associating himself with. Friends are people who can easily influence someone's character, either positively or negatively. I would therefore urge the freshman to carefully choose the kind of people to associate with. He can do this by consulting the sophomores and other seniors if the people he wants to associate himself with are already known by them (sophomores and seniors). If they are fresher, then he can use his own judgment to determine whether they are good or bad, morally upright or to the contrary etc. I would further advice him to cling to people with vision and one goal - that of passing college exams and coming out successfully. In this respect I would advice him to completely avoid associating himself with students who take alcohol, smoke, and who involve themselves in other immoral activities. 4) SEXUAL RESPONSIBILITY This would be a very important topic as far as the new freshman is concerned. I would tell him the need to completely abstain from sex. Sex, being addictive would deviate his mind from studies thus deteriorating his performance. It can also earn him enemies because he might be competing with his colleagues and even lecturers for sexual partners. Worst of all, I would highlight to him; the dangers of engaging in sex irresponsibly one of them being contracting of sexually transmitted diseases and HIV/ AIDS. 5) OBEDIENCE & ADHERENCE TO ESTABLISHED RULES I would advice the freshman to adhere to the generally established rules and regulations of the

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Instruction of The Glass Menagerie(it depends on the wirtter) Essay

Instruction of The Glass Menagerie(it depends on the wirtter) - Essay Example The current discourse hereby aims to present a rhetorical analysis of the play, through expounding on the theme, the symbols, as well as the main characters. There could be more than one theme in the play, as evident from the topics of discussion by the characters. For one, there is a theme on deception and lies. Both Laura and Tom hid some inner secrets from their mother, Amanda, in terms of past, current, and future activities. For instance, it was only after six weeks after dropping from Laura’s typing class, that Amanda discovered the incident. As such, Laura painstakingly deceived her mother into apparently attending daily classes; when in fact, she disclosed that she went to the art museum, to the zoo, or walk around the park (Williams). In addition, Tom has always left after dinner, supposedly to attend movies every night. In truth, he had plans to travel as a seaman and used the money earmarked for payment of electric bills to pay for membership dues for joining The Union Merchant Seamen organization. In addition, another theme in the play was the feeling of incarceration and the apparent need to escape. This theme was exemplified in terms of the physical entrapment felt by Tom for being relied upon to support both Amanda and Laura. As such, through making an excuse every night as viewing the movies as a means of escape, Tom actually planned to eventually leave to pursue the same course that their father took. Concurrently, from the point of view of Laura, there is also a persistent feeling of incarceration due to her physical infirmity. As such, her outlet was expressed through the glass menagerie, the glass animals’ collection that seem to be the perfect epitome of her being: fragile, entrapped, isolated, delicate, and detached. The obvious symbol is the glass menagerie. It symbolized the traits that were above mentioned: fragile, entrapped, isolated, delicate, and detached. Traits that were

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Love the Way You Lie by Eminem and Rihanna Essay - 1

Love the Way You Lie by Eminem and Rihanna - Essay Example Rihanna chants the chorus with words such as â€Å"†¦ That’s all right because I like the way it hurts.† The video is particularly useful since Eminem’s and Rihanna’s past lives were characterized by violence or abuse (Fallon 4). Eminem is fond of singing a lot about violence while Rihanna was once abused by Chris Brown. When one examines the video very carefully, it appears like it glorifies domestic violence. Eminem sings If she ever tries to fucking leave me again, I'm a tie her to the bed and set this house on fire.† Eminem appears to promote violence against woman since he is set to punish her partner if she decides to dump him (Enck and Blake 621). On the other hand, Rihanna sings â€Å"Just gonna stand there and watch me burn. But that's all right because I like the way it hurts.† Rihanna suggests that she may tolerate domestic violence if it is directed at her again (Cundiff 22). The song explains a superficial narrative of a violent relationship without an analysis. In the video, Eminem raps aggressively in the background insinuating that he is the male character that appears in the video. The video indicates how a love so violent at one time could quickly go wrong after some time. On the other hand, Rihanna sings as if she is the female character that appears in the video. Rihanna’s line, â€Å"I love the way you lie†, insinuates that the female character gets pleasure in being let down and mistreated. Both Eminem and Rihanna play their part in the video in front of a house that is burning. The flames may be representing anger, desire or even regret. The video helps to tell a story, but it fails to paint the whole picture that many anti-violence proponents have been witnessing. Viewers of the video may be left wondering what could have brought the two individuals to that place. In the video’s depiction, passion and violence appear to be the same thing.  

Friday, August 23, 2019

Safety, Health & Security Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Safety, Health & Security - Essay Example The impact of positive and negative stress on the workplace should be determined. The need for workplace health, safety, and security training should be assessed. And last but not least, effective violence prevention programs should be designed to prevent sexual harassment, unethical behavior, etc. at work. In the western world, development of workplace has been characterized by technologies and jobs that are designed to improve productivity and processes. However, in many cases it has been found that adequate care has not been taken in ascertaining the impact of the job process or technology on the workers. This has led to various imbalances at the workplace, which resulted into attrition, job dissatisfaction, excessive stress, and fall in productivity, etc. Sometimes, it can be observed that machines involved in the work processes have been unnecessarily dangerous. Hence, there is urgency in the industries to improve the conditions at the workplace to give the workers a better environment. Thus, a need of ergonomic research and development has emerged. Ergonomics can be defined as a multi-disciplinary science that seeks to conform the workplace and all its physiological aspects to the worker (Goetsch, 2011). It deals with the different subjects entailed in the improvement of the work place conditions. Ergonomic problems in the workplace manifest among the workers in various ways. The problems are indicated by the conditions of the human factors at the workplace. The bad effects of below standard or unsuitable equipments and systems on the human beings at work can become discernable in the following ways: 1. Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSD) can vary from common pains and aches to relatively more serious difficulties. Medical practitioners recommend that symptoms and signs of physical difficulties at work must be reported before a permanent damage or serious injury actually occurs. The most frequent MSDs that can be observed among the workers in particularly

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Food Inc Essay Example for Free

Food Inc Essay How is the text you have studied in class constructed to portray certain ideas? Documentaries are usually constructed to portray one point of view, whether it is a negative or positive point of view. Food Inc directed by Robert Kenner, presents a many ideas about how the fast food industry is affecting the ways in which Americans eat. They do this by showing one perspective instead of both. Food Inc doesn’t explore in to detail the positive aspects of fast food; they are just focusing on the negative. They construct the documentary using techniques such as expert opinions, Interviews and statistics to present certain ideas throughout the documentary. The main idea explored throughout the documentary was the animal cruelty caused by humans due to modifying the development of animals. They ways in which they present this ideas is mainly through footage of the animals suffering and the juxtaposition of the animals before they were modified and how the animals are now. The footage of the crowded cows helpless and unable to move creates a setting which portrays a negative feel and creatively making us feel sympathetic towards the animals. The shots of the chickens not being able to walk due to the genetic modifications of the animal, creates the idea of humans purposely provoking animal cruelty. They are changing the ways in which an animal develops for their own needs and generally to make more money. This is clearly shown through the juxtaposition of the â€Å"old† chicken and the â€Å"new† chicken. This Juxtaposition makes us question how it is possible to grow a chicken in half the time yet be double the size? It therefore makes the documentary more engaging as we are starting to question the farmers ourselves and therefore are dragged into believing what the documentary is trying to portray. Another idea explored in the documentary Food Inc is the constant conflict of the prices of healthy foods compared to the prices in fast food restaurants. The ways in which Robert Kenner has constructed the documentary to perceive the fast food outlets being cheaper is through an interview with the Gonzalez family. They are an average sized American family who eat fast food due to their financial status. Kenner used the juxtaposition of the price of a meal at McDonalds to buying a meal at the supermarkets. At McDonalds the Gonzalez family can buy a burger and drink each for 11$, they then show you the Gonzalez family inside a grocery store struggling to buy a lettuce for under 2$ which worked out to be the cost of their whole meal at McDonalds. This makes believe what Kenner is trying to portray and are drawn into believing that fast food is always cheaper than the groceries. However we are not given any cheap healthy displays in the supermarket, instead given with cheap unhealthy items such as 99 cent cokes. Kenner has purposely portrayed the unhealthy items in a negative way to create an opinion that we are being â€Å"forced† in to fast food rather than having the choice of fast food.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Why Shakespeare Included The Porters scene in a Production Of Macbeth Essay Example for Free

Why Shakespeare Included The Porters scene in a Production Of Macbeth Essay Macbeth is a play written by William Shakespeare, he was born in the 17th century, William Shakespeare wrote over thirty-seven plays and possibly had a hand in others, he also wrote several poems. He lived in an age when printing was not commonplace, and yet most of his works were published either after his death or without his authority. Shakespeare often wrote his plays about the lives of great people, but very little about Shakespeare himself is known. As you will see in Macbeth this is probably his most striking play as it is obviously written for a particular king at a particular time in history. Therefore studying Macbeth we have extra information, this perhaps gives us a broader insight into the art and mind of William Shakespeare. William Shakespeare came from Yeomans stock, his fathers name was John Shakespeare and his mothers name was Mary Shakespeare. Shakespeare himself was almost certainly educated in the local grammar school. He married Anne Hathaway she was eighteen years senior to him in 1582, they had their first child, Susanna in 1583. They had two other children twins, Judith and Hannet born in 1583. Shakespeare retired back to live in Stratford near the later parts of his life, his son Hannet had died by that time and all his grandchildren also died for unknown reasons. He died in 1616. Macbeth is often described as Shakespeare greatest play ever; it has any different contexts to the play. Still viewed by millions across the world in theatres. Macbeth was written sometime between 1603 and 1606, this coincided with the accession of James the Sixth of Scotland to the English throne, as James the First of England. There are many issues in the play that proves James was primarily in mind whilst writing the play. Firstly it pays homage to the interests and expertise of James: James was fascinated by witchcraft and one of the main issues in the play is that of supernatural powers, also the Kings Evil is a major issue in the play and that was of great interest to James. Secondly it compliments James by making his ancestor, Banquo a hero in the play. As Duncan puts it, Noble Banquo. Despite also receiving supernatural solicitations from the witches he doesnt fall into evil unlike Macbeth. But in point of fact, Banquo historically was an accomplice in the murder of Duncan. A reminder of this presumably would not have pleased James. Thirdly the play explores the issue of kingship and loyalty. These were a profound interest to James who clearly in life avoided an assassination attempt. The divine rights of Kings is essential to the play, The Divine Rights Of Kings meant that because god appointed the king, the king was not answerable to the people or to the parliament, what this is, it means the king has overall power over his people. The play is also intimately related to the topical events of the Gunpowder plot of 1605 and the subsequent trials, of the conspirators. Shakespeare from this picks up the theme of, equivocation. this is related to the wider theme of appearances. It was lady Macbeth who advises Macbeth to, look like the innocent flower, but be the serpent under it. The porter is a marvellous lowlife type of character- drunk, obscene, garrulous, and could be considered as one of Shakespeares, best characters of comedy. The bleak Prathieban Sathanathan Mrs. Collins Original Writing intensity of the previous scene gives way to a brief comic interlude- this is where the porter makes his introduction in the play, after the murder of Duncan has been accomplished. Although the porter is crude and rough his introduction benefits the play in a number of ways. The continuation of physical knocking reminds us that we are still in the world where the Macbeths have jus committed murder. There are many practical reasons as to why Shakespeare has included, the porters scene, into this production of Macbeth. The most obvious are being, it gives the actors playing Macbeth and lady Macbeth time to get of the stage, wash the blood off and change their clothes. Shakespeare also had a lot of comic actors in his company, and many of them needed small parts and they were meant to be popular with the audiences. Shakespeare may have been trying to please King James, as the porter refers to the gunpowder plot. Faith, heres an equivocator that could swear in both the scales against either scale, who committed treason enough for gods sake, yet could not equivocate to heaven. an equivocator is someone who does not actually lie, but does not tell the whole truth either. This means he could balance up the scales of justice, by arguing on both sides and prevent someone being convicted, but he could not argue his way into heaven. The point in the play in which Shakespeare has decided to include the scene may be rather comical to some people, as he has brought in this scene straight after a scene which mustve horrified his audience. He may have brought in this comical scene to restrain the audience from laughing in the wrong places, as there is hardly any other comedy present in the play apart from this particular scene. Shakespeare may have used this distinctive scene as a, laughter conductor, so they can be convulsed with laughter in this particular scene, rather than laughing at any other point in the play. By allowing the audience to laugh straight after, the horror of seeing the blood- splattered Macbeths they will be more able to endorse the further bloodshed and horror in the scenes that follow. Earlier in the play, lady Macbeth calls upon; murdering ministers this would immediately cause the audience to make instant comparisons with the Macbeths caste castle and hell. The porter, would also remind Shakespeares audience of the traditional figure of the porter of Hell Gate in medieval plays, this would then make the play universal and this would cause the audience to think that it is about everyone, not just the Macbeths. The porter makes a variety of speeches in this scene; some of these are of the main themes in the play these include, equivocation, damnation and the supernatural. Faith, heres an equivocator that could swear in both scaled against either scale; who committed treason enough for gods sake, yet could not equivocate to heave: O! an equivocator is someone who does not actually lie but does not tell the whole truth either. They hold up and balance the scales of justice, by arguing on both sides, and prevent someone from being convicted; but they could not argue their way into heaven. This topical reference made by the porter to the Gunpowder plot and equivocators would remind the audience about the horror of attempting to kill a king. This would also please king James, as Shakespeare obviously had James primarily in mind whilst writing the play. Shakespeare also includes a reference to, Faith, heres an English tailor come hither for stealing out of a French hose: come in, tailor; here you may roast your goose. The porter is implying that tailors were known for making a profit by using less cloth than the customer had paid for; and they- (the tailors) were eventually caught doing this. Prathieban Sathanathan Mrs. Collins Original Writing This reference to treason links with the earlier account of the Thane of Cawdor and a later discussion between lady Macbeth and her son. Shakespeare also includes the theme of nature in this scene, the porter explains how the farmer had hoarded his corn, hoping for a famine, so that he could sell it for a high price, but a good harvest (the expectation of plenty) has led to a drop in the price, and he has committed suicide. Because he depends on the seasons, he is a time- server (and will also serve time; in hell). Heres a farmer that hanged himself on the expectation of plenty; come in time server. There is a direct comparison made throughout the play about desire and act, this is also included in the porters scene. Drink provokes the desire, but it takes away the performance. This is typical of the frequent use of antithesis throughout the play. The scene proves on of the most essential for Shakespeare, as it is vital for any production of Macbeth. Various issues are exploited in the scene and it also gives way for on screen issues- such as changing, washing etc. So I feel that this is one of the most effective scenes in the play, even though the porter is crude and rough it is an effective scene- one which also makes the audiences laugh, and also gives the audience some beliefs on issues in the play.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Supervisory Approaches in Education

Supervisory Approaches in Education In this chapter a review of related literature on instructional supervision and its relationship with professional development is provided. The chapter is divided in to four parts as to enable the reader to follow a logical sequence that includes: history of school supervision, overview of supervision approaches, teachers perception of supervisory processes, and the relationship between supervision and professional development. 2.1 History of School Supervision In many developed countries, such as United Kingdom (UK) and United States, much more attention has been given to inspection than school supervision (Lee, Dig Song, 2008). The Inspectorate of Education had originated from France under Napoleons Regime at the end of the 18th century, and other European counties followed the idea in the 19th century (Grauwe, 2007). For example, in UK, the first two inspectors of schools were appointed in 1883 (Shaw, Newton, Aitkin Darnell, 2003) and in the Netherlands it was started in 1801 (Dutch Education Inspectorate, 2008). The terms inspector and inspection are still being used in various developed and developing countries , including United Kingdom (UK), United States, European countries and some African countries such as Lesotho, Senegal, Tanzania and Nigeria (Grauwe, 2007). Traditionally, inspection and supervision were used as important tools to ensure efficiency and accountability in the education system. Later adherents of the terminologies of inspection and supervision are used by different countries in different ways. As outlined by Tyagi (2010), inspection is a top-down approach focused on the assessment and evaluation of school improvement based in stated standards, where as supervision focus on providing guidance, support and continuous assessment to teachers for their professional development and improvement in their teaching- learning process. Nevertheless, since the demand of teachers for guidance and support rendered from supervisors has increased from time to time, some countries changed the terminology and preferring the term supervisor over that of inspector. According to Grawue (2007), some countries have recently developed more specific terminologies: Malawi, uses education methods advisor, and Uganda teacher development advisor. The concepts of supervision and inspection have been changed frequently in Ethiopian education system and the reason was not clearly pedagogical (Haileselassie, 2001). In 19 42, educational inspection was practiced for the first time, then it was changed to supervision in the late 1960s , again to inspection in mid 1970s and for the fourth time it shifted to supervision in 1994 (Haileselassie,2001). Haileselassie stated that: Apart from perhaps political decisions, one could not come up with any sound educational and pedagogical rationale to justify the continuous shift made in the name. With the name changes made we do not notice any significant changes in either the content or purpose and functions. (Haileselassie, 2001, p. 11-12) From 1994 onwards, supervision has been practiced in Ethiopia decentralized educational management. According to the Education and Training Policy (1994), educational supervision is recognized at the center (Ministry of Education), Regional, Zonal, District (Woreda) and School levels. Instructional supervision at school level is practiced by principals, deputy principals, department head, and senior teachers. However, since the Woreda is the lowest administrative level and had a direct contact with schools, more practical support and guidance are expected from the assigned supervisors at this level. As it is clearly mentioned by the Educational Management, Schools Organization, Finance, and Community Participation Guideline (MoE, 2002), supervisors have the following key responsibilities: Ensuring whether teacher -student relationship is healthy and democratic, teachers are properly executing their tasks, education is based on the needs of students, the relation between schools and community, mobilizing community, ensure the existence of help and respect sprit between teachers and students, provide professional support, follow up and training for teachers. (p. 30-32) 2.2 Overview of Supervisory Approaches According to Blasà © and Blasà © (1998), although many supervisory approaches are collaborative in nature, for long time, supervisory of instruction has been viewed exclusively as an inspection issue. Sergiovanni (1992) described supervision as a ritual they [supervisors and teachers] participate according to well established scripts without much consequence (p. 203). This author continued that today, supervision as inspection can be regarded as an artifact of the past, a function that is no longer tenable or prevalent in contemporary education (p. 204). He explained that though functioned for a considerable span of time, this type of supervision caused negative stereotypes among teachers, where they viewed as subordinates whose professional performance was controlled. Supporting this idea, Anderson and Snyder (1993) stated, because of this, teachers are unaccustomed to the sort of mutual dialogue for which terms like mentoring, peer coaching collegial assistance are coming in to u se (p.1). It should be clear, however, that traditional supervisory approaches should not be removed completely because supervisory authority and control are essential for professional development. Mitchell and Sackney (2000) explained this as much of past practice is educationally sound and should not be discarded (p. 37). Having said this, it is important to differentiate instructional supervision from evaluation. Authors described the former as a formative approach and the later as a summative approach (Poole, 1994; Zepeda, 2007). Poole (1994) stated that instructional supervision is a formative process that emphasizes collegial examination of teaching and learning (p. 305). In this regard, participants in the supervision process plan and implement a range of professional growth opportunities designed to meet teachers professional growth and educational goals and objectives at different levels. Teacher evaluation, on the other hand, is a summative process that focus on assessing the compete nce of teachers, which involves a formal, written appraisal or judgment of an individuals professional competence at specific time (Poole, 1994, p. 305). The supervisory (formative) and evaluative (summative) processes should go hand in hand (Sergiovanni Starratt, 2007). While supervision is essential for teachers professional growth, evaluation is essential to determine this growth and teacher effectiveness (Kutsyuruba, 2003; Wareing, 1990). The widely used approaches to evaluation are administrative monitoring, report writing, checklists, and self-assessment. On the other hand, approaches to supervision are categorized as clinical supervision, peer coaching, cognitive coaching, mentoring, self-reflection, professional growth plans, and portfolios (Alfonso Firth, 1990; Clarke, 1995; Poole, 1994; Reninan, 2002; Sergiovanni Starratt, 2007; Zepeda, 2007). Implementing different supervisory approaches is essential not only to give choices to teachers; it is also important to provide choices to the administrators and schools (Kutsyuruba, 2003). Each component of supervisory approaches are discussed as follows. Clinical Supervision According to Sergiovanni and Starratt (2007), clinical supervision is a face- to- face contract with teachers with the intent of improving instruction and increasing professional growth (p. 23). It is a sequential, cyclic and systematic supervisory process which involves face-to-face interaction between teachers and supervisors designed to improve the teachers classroom instructions (Kutsyuruba, 2003). The purpose of clinical supervision according to Snow-Gerono (2008) is to provide support to teachers (to assist) and gradually to increase teachers abilities to be self-supervising (p. 1511). Clinical supervision is a specific cycle or pattern of working with teachers (Sergiovanni Starratt, 1993, p. 222). It is a partnership in inquiry where by the person assuming the role of supervisor functions more as an individual with experience and insight than as an expert who determines what is right and wrong (Harris, 1985). Goldhammer, Anderson and Karjewski (1980) described the structure o f clinical supervision that includes pre-observation conference, class room observation, analysis and strategy, supervision conference, and post-conference analysis. Clinical supervision is officially applicable with: inexperienced beginning teachers, teachers are experiencing difficulties, and experienced teachers who are in need of improving their instructional performance. Sergiovanni and Starratt (2007) stated that clinical supervision is typically formative than summative in its evaluative approach in order to enable beginning teaches collaborate to research their practices and improve their teaching and learning (p. 233). As a result of this, the writers further described that the focus of clinical supervision is not on quality control, rather on the professional improvement of the teacher that guarantees quality of teaching and students performance (Sergiovanni Starratt, 2007). Collaborative Supervision Collaboration and collegially are very important in todays modern schools. According to Burke and Fessler (1983), teachers are the central focuses of collaborative approach to supervision. Collaborative approaches to supervision are mainly designed to help beginning teachers and those who are new to a school or teaching environment with the appropriate support from more experienced colleagues. Thus, these colleagues have an ethical and professional responsibility of providing the required type of support upon request (Kutsyuruba, 2003). In this regard, a teacher who needs collegial and collaborative support should realize that needs do not exist for professional growth, that feedback from colleagues and other sources should be solicited in order to move toward improvement (Burke Fessler, 1983, p.109). The major components of collaborative approaches to supervision which are especially needed for beginner or novice teachers are: peer coaching, cognitive coaching and mentoring (Shower s Joyce, 1996; Sergiovanni Starratt, 2007; Sullivan Glanz, 2003; Kutsyuruba, 2003). Peer coaching Peer coaching, according to Sullivan and Glanz (2000), is defined as teachers helping teachers reflect on and improve teaching practice and/or implement particular teaching skills needed to implement knowledge gained through faculty or curriculum development (p. 215). The term coaching is introduced to characterize practice and feedback following staff development sessions. According to Singhal (1996), supervision is more effective if the supervisor follows the team approach. This would mean that the supervisor should have a clear interaction with teachers and group of teachers, provide an open, but supportive atmosphere for efficient communication, and involve them in decision making. The goal of coaching as described by Sergiovanni and Starratt (2007), is to develop communities within which teachers collaborate to honor a very simple value- when we learn together, we learn more, and when we learn more, we will more effectively serve our students (p. 251). Thus, peer coaching provid es possible opportunities to beginner teachers to refine teaching skills through collaborative relationships, participatory decision making, and immediate feedback (Bowman McCormick, 2000; Sullivan Glanz, 2000). In this regard, research findings showed that beginning teachers rated experienced teachers who coached than as highly competent and the process itself as very necessary (Kutsyuruba, 2003). Cognitive coaching According to Costa and Garmston (1994), cognitive coaching refers to a nonjudgmental process built around a planning conference, observation, and a reflecting conference (p. 2). Cognitive coaching differs from peer coaching in that peer coaching focuses on innovations in curriculum and instructions, where as cognitive coaching is aimed at improving existing practices (Showers Joyce, 1996). As Beach and Reinhartz (2000) described, cognitive coaching pairs teacher with teacher, teacher with supervisor, or supervisor with supervisor, however, when two educators are in similar roles or positions, the process is referred as peer supervision. The writers further identified three components of cognitive coaching: planning, lesson observation, and reflection. Costa and Garmston (1994) described three basic purposes of cognitive coaching, namely: (1) developing and maintaining trusting relationship; (2) fostering growth toward both autonomous and independent behavior; and (3) promoting learning. In a cognitive coaching process, teachers learn each other, built mutual trust, and encouraged to reach at a higher level of autonomy- the ability to self-monitor, self-evaluate, and self-analyze (Garmston, Linder Whitaker, 1993). Mentoring Mentoring as defined by Sullivan and Glanz (2000) is a process that facilitates instructional improvement wherein an experienced educator agrees to provide assistance, support, and recommendations to another staff member (p. 213). Mentoring is a form of collaborative (peer) supervision focused on helping new teachers or beginning teachers successfully learn their roles, establish their self images as teachers figure out the school and its culture, and understand how teaching unfolds in real class rooms (Sergiovanni Starratt, 2007). Sullivan and Glanz (2000) stated the works of mentors as: The mentor can work with a novice or less experienced teacher collaboratively, nonjudgmentally studying and deliberating on ways instruction in the class room may be improved, or the mentor can share expertise in a specific area with other educators. Mentors are not judges or critics, but facilitators of instructional improvement. All interactions and recommendations between the mentor and staff members are confidential. (p. 213) Research projects and publications revealed that mentoring has clear connections with supervision and professional development which serve to augment the succession planning and professional development of teachers (Reiman Thies-Sprinthall, 1998).In addition, Sergiovanni and Starratt (2007) described that the emphasis of mentoring on helping new or beginner teachers is typically useful for mentors as well. By helping a colleague (beginner teacher), mentors able to see their problems more clearly and to learn ways to overcome them. As a result, mentoring is the kind of relationship in which learning benefits everyone involved. Self-Reflection As the context of education is ever changing, teachers should have a professional and ethical responsibility to reflect on what is happening in response to changing circumstances. Thus, they can participate in collective reflection practices such as peer coaching, cognitive coaching, or mentoring, as well as self-assessment reflective practices (Kutsyuruba, 2003). According to Glatthorn (1990), self- directed development is a process by which a teacher systematically plans for his or her own professional growth in teaching. Glatthorn further described that self-directed approaches are mostly ideal for teachers who prefer to work alone or who, because of scheduling or other difficulties, are unable to work cooperatively with other teachers. Sergiovanni and Starratt (2007) considered this option to be efficient in use of time, less costly, and less demanding in its reliance on others. Thus, the writers indicated that in self-directed supervision teachers work alone by assuming responsi bility for their own professional development (p. 276). Furthermore, Glatthorn (1990) suggested that self-development is an option provided for teachers that enable them to set their own professional growth goals, find the resources needed to achieve those goals, and undertake the steps needed to accomplish those outcomes (p. 200). In addition, this approach is particularly suited to competent and experienced teachers who are able to manage their time well (Sergiovanni Starratt, 2007). Portfolios As teachers want to be actively participated in their own development and supervision, they need to take ownership of the evaluation process (Kutsyuruba, 2003). The best way for teachers to actively involve in such practices is the teaching portfolio (Painter, 2001). A teaching portfolio is defined as a process of supervision with teacher compiled collection of artifacts, reproductions, testimonials, and student work that represents the teachers professional growth and abilities (Riggs Sandlin, 2000). A portfolio, according to Zepeda (2007), is an individualized, ongoing record of growth that provides the opportunity for teachers to collect artifacts over an extended period of time (p. 85). Similarly, Sergiovanni and Starratt (2007) stated that the intent of portfolio development is to establish a file or collection of artifacts, records, photo essays, cassettes, and other materials designed to represent some aspect of the class room program and teaching activities. As Sullivan and Glanz (2000) stated portfolio documents not only innovative and effective practices of teachers, but also it is a central road for teachers professional growth through self-reflection, analysis, and sharing with colleagues through discussion and writing (p. 215). The writers further described that portfolio can be used to support and enrich mentoring and coaching relationships. Professional Growth Plans Professional growth plans are defined as individual goal-setting activities, long term projects teachers develop and carry out relating to the teaching (Brandt, 1996, p. 31). This means that teachers reflect on their instructional and professional goals by setting intended outcomes and plans for achieving these goals. In professional growth plans as part of instructional supervisory approach, teachers select the skills they wish to improve, place their plan in writing including the source of knowledge, the type of workshop to be attended, the books and articles to read, and practice activities to be set. In this regard, Fenwick (2001) stated that professional growth plans could produce transformative effects in teaching practice, greater staff collaboration, decreased teacher anxiety, and increased focus and commitment to learning (p. 422). Summative Evaluation There is a clear link among instructional supervision, professional development and teacher evaluation (Zepeda, 2007). Teacher evaluation involves two distinct components: formative evaluation and summative evaluation (Sergiovanni Starratt, 2007). The writers differentiated formative teacher evaluation as an approach intended to increase the effectiveness of ongoing educational programs and teachers professional growth, where as summative teacher evaluation is designed to judge and rate the quality of ones own teaching and level of professional growth. In this regard, the purposes of instructional supervision are formative- focused on teachers ongoing professional development, and the intents of evaluation are summative- assessment of professional performance which leads to a final judgment (Zepeda, 2007). However, Sergiovanni and Starratt (2007) stated that both formative and summative teacher evaluations cannot be separated, for each contains aspects of the other. Summative evalua tion, therefore, uses various techniques such as, administrative monitoring, report writing, checklists, and self-assessment tools (Kutsyuruba, 2003). 2.3 Teachers Perception of Supervisory Processes From laypersons conducting school inspection in the 18th century, up to the practice of neo-scientific management, instructional supervision in most schools of the world has focused on inspection and control of teachers (Alemayehu, 2008). According to Sullivan and Glanz (2000), historically the evaluation function of supervision was rooted in bureaucratic inspectional type supervision (p. 22). The writers further described that teachers view supervision for the sake of evaluation as often being anything other than up lifting. In a study of supervision and teacher satisfaction, Fraser (1980) stated that the improvement of the teaching learning process was dependent upon teacher attitudes toward supervision (p. 224). The writer noted that unless teachers perceive supervision as a process of promoting professional growth and student learning, the supervisory practice will not bring the desired effect. Kapfunde (1990) stated that teachers usually associate instructional supervision with appraisal, rating, and controlling them. In Ethiopia, many teachers resent or even fear being supervised because of the history of supervision, which has always been biased towards evaluation or inspection (Haileselassie, 1997). Regarding the challenges of teachers, it is stated in various literatures that beginning teachers face more challenges than more experienced teachers. Teaching has been a career in which the greatest challenge and most difficult responsibilities are faced by those with the least experience (Glickman, Gordon Ross-Gordon, 1998, p. 21). At least 30 percent of beginning teachers leave the profession during the first two years (Casey Mitchell, 1996). For many less experienced teachers, supervision is viewed as a meaningless exercise that has little value than completion of the required evaluation form (Sergiovanni Starratt, 1998). The writers further described that no matter h ow capable are designated supervisors, as long as supervision is viewed as doing something to teachers and for teachers, its potential to improve schools will not be fully realized (Sergiovanni Starratt, 2007, p. 5). Teachers do not perceive supervision as helpful for their teaching and professional growth when its approach is focused on teacher appraisal and efficiency (Acheson Gall, 1992; Zepeda Ponticell, 1998). Various literatures identified supervision to be unfamiliar with most teachers because of its evaluative structure (Acheson Gall, 1992). According to Smyth (1991), the cause for resistance to supervisory practices by most teachers is the hierarchical and explotative form of teacher evaluation introduced by some types of supervision. In line with this, Acheson and Gall (1992) said that the hostility of teachers is not towards supervision but the supervisory styles teachers typically receive. Thus, selecting and applying supervisory models aimed at teachers instructional improvement and professional growth is imperative to develop a sense of trust, autonomy, and professional learning culture (Hargreaves Fullan, 2000). 2.4 Relationship between Instructional Supervision and Professional Development The overall purpose of instructional supervision is to help teachers improve, and this improvement could be on what teachers know, the improvement of teaching skills, as well as teachers ability to make more informed professional decisions (Sergiovanni Starratt, 2007). According to Zepeda (2007), there must be a clear connection of instructional supervision to professional development and teacher evaluation. She added that the various models or approaches of instructional supervision such as clinical supervision, peer coaching, cognitive coaching, mentoring, etc. bridge instructional supervision and professional development. Instructional supervision, with its focus on collegiality and professional improvement, is an important tool in building an effective teachers professional development. Instructional supervision is an organizational function concerned with teacher growth, leading to improvement in teaching performance and greater student learning (Nolan Hoover, 2008, p. 6). It is clear that continuous improvement in methods and skills is necessary for every professional, and so the professional development of teachers has become highly important (Anderson Snyder, 1998; Carter, 2001; Zepeda, 2007). Professional development is an important part of an ongoing teacher education concerned with improving teachers instructional methods, their classroom management skills, their ability to adapt to instruction to meet students needs, and establishing a professional culture which is important in teaching and learning (Wanzare Da Costa, 2000). Professional development gives emphasis on the development of professional expertise by involving teachers in a problem solving and action research (Sergiovanni Starratt, 2007). Sullivan (1997) on the other hand, stated that as fields of educational development, instructional supervision and professional development are interlinked and can and should overlap as needs and local preferences dictate (p. 159). From the supervisors view point, professional development emphasizes providing teachers with the opportunity and resources they need to reflect on their practice and to share their practice with others (Sergiovanni Starratt, 2007, p. 216). Instructional supervision and professional development are linked in several ways. As McQuarrie and Wood (1991) noted one connection to be through the use of data obtained from supervisional practices used in planning and implementing staff development as part of instructional improvement and helping teachers improve their skills. The writers further stated that both instructional supervision and professional development: (1) focus on teacher effectiveness in class room; (2) may be provided by teachers, supervisors, and administrators; (3) are judgment-free practices that improve teachers instructional activities in a collaborative ways; and (4) promote in their participants a sense of ownership, commitment, and trust toward instructional improvement. Anything supervisors can perform to help teachers develop and strengthen becomes an investment in promoting professional development (Sergiovanni Starratt, 2007). And thus, professional development allows teachers to make their own decisions regarding their knowledge and skills improvement and to assume personal accountability (Retting, 1999; Kaagan, 2004). Professional development needs of beginner teachers differ from those experienced teachers, and special supervisory approaches should be developed to meet these needs (Kutsyuruba, 2003). According to Glatthorn (1990), beginning teachers are characterized by their preferences for certain types of supervisory approaches. Most importantly, they need intensive assistance of clinical supervision. Similarly, they need mentoring, peer coaching, cognitive coaching, and other collegial supervisory approaches. The writer further noted that experienced teachers also have their own special professional development needs and preferences. Most experienced teachers can benefit from collaborative and self-directed supervisional practices which will foster continuous professional growth and development. In general, instructional supervision is an ongoing process which enables teachers the opportunity to develop professionally and different supervisory options should be provided for different teachers based on their experience and level of difficulty.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Mary Crow Dog in the American Indian Movement :: essays research papers

During the American Indian Movement, many Native Americans tribes came together as a unit and fought against the injustices that were thrust upon them by American governmental polices. The fact that many Native people were ?whitemanized? through Christianity and other things that such as boarding school played a role in shaping Native peoples identity. However, the involvement in the American Indian Movement shaped the identity of Mary Crow Dog by making her accept who she was ?an Indian woman, and by making her more willing to fight for the rights of Native Americans. Before joining the American Indian Movement, Mary Crow Dog was forced into boarding school and she questioned her identity many times. For instance, she said that as a young girl she wanted to know who she was because her skin was very light. Because of this she wanted a to lay out in the sun so that she could become a real skin Indian. She questioned her Indian identity because her father was white and also because she was a ?iyeska.? This meaning a half blood Indian and as a result she was looked down upon by white people and full bloods Indians. When Mary Crow Dog joined the American Indian Movement, her outlook on life as an Indian changed because she accepted who she was and she was proud of being and Indian as well. She held on to her old religion and she participated in old Indian traditions such as Ghost dancing. She also went back to using medicine man and peyote roadman. In her point of view ?holding on to her own religion was one way of resisting a slow death of the Indian culture that was being perpetuated by the white man. In addition, she stated that to be an Indian she had to go to the full bloods and listen to what they had to say. This is because the full blood was humble and they had hearts. Another thing that allowed Mary Crow dog to accept who she was, was the fact that AIM brought a lot of different tribes together and they all fought collectively against White America. One of the most important things that the American Indian Movement did for Mary Crow dog was it made her more willing to fight for Indian rights. For example, she protested in Washington with AIM and she was part of the native people that took over the Bureau of Indian Affairs building.

Role of Immigrants in the American Civil War :: American America History

Role of Immigrants in the American Civil War For minorities, as for other Americans, the Civil War was an opportunity to prove their valor and loyalty. Among the first mustered into the Union Army were a De Kalb regiment of German American clerks, the Garibakdi Guards made up of Italian Americans, a "Polish Legion," and hundreds of Irish American youths form Boston and New York. But in Ohio and Washington, D.C., African American volunteers were turned away from recruiting stations and told, "This is a white man's war." Some citizens questioned the loyalty of immigrants who lived in crowded city tenements until an Italian American from Brooklyn turned that around. In the New York Senate, Democrat Francis Spinola had been a vigorous foe of Republican policies and Lincoln. But now he swore his loyalty with stirring words, "This is my flag, which I will follow and defend." This speech gave great assurance that the masses in the great cities were devoted to the Union and ready to enlist for its defense. More than 400,000 European immigrants fought for the Union, including more than 170,00 Germans and more than 150,00 Irish. Many saw their services as a proud sacrifice. The first officer to die for the Union was Captain Constatin Blandowski, one of many immigrants who earlier had fought for freedom in Europe and then joined Lincoln's army. Born in Upper Silesia and trained at Dresden, Germany, he was a veteran of democratic struggles - a Polish revolt at Krakow, the Polish Legion's battles against Austria, and the Hungarian fight for independence. Some nationalities contributed more than their share of Union soldiers. Some immigrants earned the Congressional Medal of Honor. Italian American officer Louis di Cesnola, was the Colonel of the 4th Cavalry Regiment. At Aldie, Virginia, in 1863, he earned the Medal of Honor and was appointed a general. He charged unarmed at the foe, read his citation, "rallied his men ...until desperately wounded and taken prisoner in action." In 1879 Cesnola became director of New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art. The museum then became, wrote a critic, "a monument to his energy, enterprise, and rare executive skill." Italian American privates also won the Medal of Honor. Joseph Sova of the 8th Cavalry earned it for capturing the Confederate flag at Appomattox. Private Orlando Caruana of the 51st Infantry won it at

Sunday, August 18, 2019

The Rocking-Horse Winner by D.H. Lawerence :: The Rocking-Horse Winner, D.H. Lawerence

"The Rocking-Horse Winner" by D.H. Lawerence talks about a family who lived in style, but always had anxiety in their house. There was never enough money. The parents knew the children were growing up and they would need money to send their children to school. The house came to be haunted with the phrase: There must be more money! There must be more money! The children could here it aloud but never dared to say it. The mother believed they were poor due to the fact her husband had no luck. One day the boy asked his mother what luck really was. She replied,"It's what causes you to have money. If you are lucky you have money. That's why it it's better to be rich. If you're rich you may lose your money. But if your lucky, you will always get more money." The boy told his mother he had luck. The boy knew she did not beleive him and this started the boy on his journey with the rocking horse.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The rocking horse gave luck, which is exactly what the boy, Paul, needed. Only Paul at first could hear the real truth from his rocking horse. The rocking horse would tell Paul who the winner of the race would be. Paul and his uncle Oscar used this information to gamble on horss and were able to win piles of money. This money he gave anomously to his mother to use for anything that was needed.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  It was one night that Paul was riding his horse at full speed when suddenly a blaze of light hit him up. He screamed, "Malabar!" Then he fell off with a crash that would put him into unconsciousness; he never did recover from that fall. He died later that night. Paul needed his rocking horse, without it he would never have felt that luck.